Can Essential Oils Substitute Standard Medications? - Hysses Australia


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Can Essential Oils Substitute Standard Medications?

Essential oils have been around for centuries. Back in the old days, people use it as a natural remedy for cold or flu and it has been on-trend for the past few years as a quick fix for sleep or anxiety.

Common essential oils are also being used in a lot of skincare and cosmetic products. The oils can act as a fragrant and also an ingredient for any added benefits.

Essential oils became so popular that aromatherapy is an actual thing now. Aromatherapy uses these oils mainly to soothe and calm nerves or promote positive feelings. It is more to using the scent or the oil to ease the mind so as to help the body. The mind to body connection plays an important part in aromatherapy. For example, Lavender oil is a natural sleep-inducer where it eases the mind and gets rid of your worries so as to lull your body to sleep.

But aside from the common essential oils like Lavender, Tea Tree, or Eucalyptus, there are probably about a hundred more you have never heard of. Essential oils are definitely a good investment if you know how to use them.

With that said, aromatherapy is good only to a certain extent. Granted, essential oils do have amazing benefits that may or may not help your body just as well as over-the-counter medicines (sometimes even better than that). But that does not mean that it is okay to use them to fully replace your medicine.

Yes, people have been using them as a natural remedy in the past as the standard medicines we have today were not available.

Yes, it worked just as well as a standard medicine would.

But sadly, no, that does not mean you should stop your medicine (if you’re on any) and use essential oils as a substitute.

Here is why you can’t do that:

  1. It works… to a certain extent

For regular flu or cold, or even anxiety and depression. Essential oil would be an amazing way to ease the mind, promote positive feelings, and as a decongestant. However, there is no guarantee that it will continue to work or if it will get rid of it for good.

A lot of articles online suggested using essential oils as a quick fix or as an added element to help with those issues. It should never be used solely as medication.

  1. More than half of the existing essential oils have no scientific backgrounds to prove how it actually helps the body

Aside from Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile, and Eucalyptus, the other essential oils are not actually proven to help. They are mainly words from someone’s ancestor, vying that it works or just a small study was done as an experiment on a small number of people. Most of them have no actual scientific study done to prove and explain exactly how those essential oils would work.

  1. Some, if not, most essential oils are toxic

Some essential oils are also toxic. One of the common essential oils, Eucalyptus, is actually toxic to use. This is why essential oils should only be used a couple of times, and with the right dosage and methods. Using essential oils frequently can have risky side effects, even those that are not toxic. Essential oils should also not be used topically as it can cause irritations. As a rule of thumb, it should always be diluted in a carrier oil.

  1. Some people did it and it did not end well

There was news that a mother substituted her son’s asthma medications with essential oils as she read on an online article that it will help. But alas, it didn’t. The child had to be wheeled into the emergency room and was coded. But they didn’t manage to save him. Tragic story but it happened, and this is a prime example as to why you should never substitute your medication with essential oils.

Those are just precautions and reasons why you should never fully substitute your medications with essential oils.

There is no harm in using essential oils here and there for relaxation or to elevate your mood. In fact, here are some ways essential oils can be used as “medication”:

  1. Antidepressant

Essential oil is an amazing mood lifter. It contains compounds that can elevate the mood instantly and get rid of negative feelings. This, in turn, makes it a good antidepressant.

  1. Decongestant

Some essential oils can help to clear the nasal pathways which makes it an amazing decongestant. If you have a cold or flu, essential oils like Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, or Chamomile really help to relieve those symptoms.

  1. Ease tension

Another amazing way to use essential oils is as a tension reliever. Oils like Lavender, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus are great for massages. They help to calm down the nerves and ease muscle tension.

  1. Aid sleep

Last but not least, the best way to use an essential oil is as a sleep inducer. Lavender and Chamomile are both great oils to help ease your mind and relax your body until you slowly drift off to dreamland.

Now, as mentioned, you cannot use essential oils to substitute a lot of standard medication, but you can use it to a certain extent. Aromatherapy does help in easing certain symptoms and essential oils do have a lot of amazing benefits.

As a precaution, you should consult your doctor if you can or should use essential oils. Before using the oils, do be sure to do a patch test to see if there are any allergic reactions. Keep away from children and pregnant women.

If you do want to try out essential oils, you can get your hands on our Essential Oils Kit at our eStore!

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